At TWR, we pride ourselves on our experienced and efficient production management team, dedicated to delivering high-quality productions and professional services to our customers. To effectively manage large-scale projects, we utilize industry-leading tools such as Ftrack and our proprietary software, TWR On-Set Studio, to enhance project management efficiency.

Ftrack is a widely recognized project management tool that allows teams to coordinate and oversee various aspects of a project, including budgeting, scheduling, task allocation, progress tracking, and resource management. It offers flexibility and customization options to cater to different project requirements and team needs. Ftrack seamlessly integrates with various file formats and professional software such as Maya and Nuke, facilitating smooth collaboration across different tools. The software also provides collaborative work functions, fostering better communication and teamwork among team members.

TWR On-Set Studio is an exclusive management tool developed specifically for on-location filming. This software enables instant upload of relevant information gathered from the shooting site, including footage, camera information, lighting setups, set scans, and HDRI, witness camera footage, and any relevant materials, into the Database. It empowers the project management team to assign tasks, calculate budgets, and track progress in real-time. The post-production team can access shot-related information and essential materials, while customers have real-time access to project content and status, ensuring a seamless and transparent production process.

By leveraging the power of Ftrack, an internationally recognized tool, and combining it with the exclusive features of TWR On-Set Studio, along with our experienced production management team, we significantly enhance project management efficiency and elevate the overall quality of our shots. Whether it's managing projects with a few shots or tens of thousands of shots, we have a proven track record of successfully delivering numerous high-quality works.
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